12.5 Loops!!!!

12.5.1 HoltWinters Smoothing - finding optimal frequency

This is develop by anton

# y <- read_excel("prob8p92HW.xlsx")
#         #' *set up list of different possible seasonality components*
#         m <- list()
#             m[[1]] <- 2
#             m[[2]] <- 4
#         #' *run loop calculating RMSE for winters exponential smoothing with different frequencies*
#             RMSE <- matrix(0,length(m),1)
#                 for (i in seq(length(m)))
#                 {
#                         yt <- ts(y, frequency = m[[i]])
#                         fit <- HoltWinters(yt
#                                             ,alpha=0.6 #setting alpha
#                                             ,beta=TRUE #trend
#                                             ,gamma=TRUE) #seasonality
#                         for.fit <- forecast(fit)
#                         acc.fit <- accuracy(for.fit)
#                         RMSE[i,1] <- acc.fit [1,2] #putting RMSE for different frequencies in matrix
#                 }
#         #' *finding frequency with smallest RMSE*
#             best.freq <- which.min(RMSE)
#             best.freq <- m[best.freq]
#             best.freq

12.5.2 ARIMA - it is not really that useful, does not have all combinations

Testing different orders

# #Insert data as timeseries
# y <- read_excel("Data/Week47/IBMstock.xls") %>% ts(frequency = 52
#                                                    #,start =
#                                                    )
# #Import matrix of differencing combinations
# OrderMatrix <- read_excel("Data/Week47/OrdersMatrix.xlsx")
# {
#   RMSE <- as.matrix(0)
#   boxtest <- as.matrix(0)
#   for (i in seq(from = 1,to = nrow(OrderMatrix),by = 1)) {
#     print(i)
#     p <- as.numeric(OrderMatrix[i,1]) #AR order
#     d <- as.numeric(OrderMatrix[i,2]) #Differencing order
#     q <- as.numeric(OrderMatrix[i,3]) #MA order
#     order <- c(p,d,q)
#     ARIMAmod <- arima(x = y #The time-series
#                       ,order = order
#                       )
#     #Assessing in-samp accuracy RMSE
#     RMSE[i] <- accuracy(object = fitted(ARIMAmod),x = y)[2] #2 for RMSE
#     #Storing hypothesis test of independence
#     boxtest[i] <- Box.test(ARIMAmod$residuals
#                            ,fitdf = p+q)$p.value #Because it is applied to and ARIMA model
# }
#   #The optimal combination based on the highest Box-Pierce test (similar to Ljung-Box)
#   OrderMatrix[which.max(boxtest),]
# }