8 Non Stationary Time-series
This section explicitly identifies how to check for non stationarity and how to deal with it
1. Unit roots 2. Spurious Regression 3. Cointegration
- HW: Judgmental Forecasting and Forecast Adjustments (Combining forecasts)
- HW: Managing the Forecast Process
- Discussion on Diebold-Mariano test: http://www.phdeconomics.sssup.it/documents/Lesson19.pdf
Suggestions from the slides
- HW: pp. 321-323 (cointegration)
- Unit roots: http://faculty.washington.edu/ezivot/econ584/notes/unitroot.pdf
- Cointegration: notes I & notes II: Where notes I = http://www2.hawaii.edu/%7Ebonham/664/materials/New_Lectures3.pdf, notes II is not to be found